
Workflow Resources

I’m not that arrogant to assume I am the only source for SAP Workflow information on the internet.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to help you help yourselves by providing the information on the resources from which I was able to learn as much as I have.  To that end, I have created this list (to be kept up to date on an ongoing basis) of various SAP Workflow resources out there.  If you have any you want to advertise, let me know!

The first is SAP itself.  As I noted in one of the introductory posts on SAP (link to 2nd post), I am very biased in regards to SAP and have been making my living with this software my entire professional life.  SAP offers the BIT6** suite of courses that lead to an SAP Business Workflow certification exam.  These courses are very thorough, and give you a good basis from which to start SAP Workflow development.  SAP also offers the Learning Hub, which is a monthly subscription service to all currently available SAP courses.  This of course includes the BIT6** courses.

SAP Workflow

SAP also has a development community called SCN (SAP Community Network), that is available on their website.  This was formerly called SAP Developer’s Network (SDN).  There are blog posts there, along with a place to ask questions and browse questions that have already been answered by SAP experts (like me!).  There is a tag for SAP Business Workflow.

There is also a Workflow User Group (WUG) that MIT hosts.  This is a mailing list to which you can pose any question, and once subscribed you can browse the answers to previous questions, as well.  This served me very well in my early days of workflow development.

I cannot fail to mention the book.  Practical Workflow for SAP is in its third edition, and is available in electronic version or print edition.  It is very thorough and a great resource to have on hand during development.  There are also other SAP PRESS books on specific scenarios, such as connecting to FIORI, and using Object Oriented design with SAP Business Workflow.

There is content on Google and Youtube regarding SAP Workflow.  As always, take this information with a grain of salt.  These solutions worked for specific people with specific versions of SAP on specific versions of database and operating system, so it may not solve your problem.  You’ll find us there, as well.

One of the items we’d like to offer here is some complementary courses to help with workflow development.  The SAP courses are great, and they offer a good foundation, but I believe there is room for some further information on SAP Workflow development.  These would cover some of the questions I see fairly regularly in the forums, and help prepare people for the exam.  Comment below if you think that would be beneficial to you.

As always, thanks for reading my drivel.  ☺